#religious objections

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4 months ago

Biden administration rescinds, replaces Trump-era 'license to discriminate in health care' rule

The US Department of Health and Human Services has rescinded a Trump-era rule that allowed healthcare providers to opt out of procedures they objected to on religious or moral grounds.
The new rule strikes a balance between allowing conscientious objections and ensuring patients can access care without discrimination. [ more ]
4 months ago

Biden administration rescinds, replaces Trump-era 'license to discriminate in health care' rule

The US Department of Health and Human Services has rescinded a Trump-era rule that allowed healthcare providers to opt out of procedures they objected to on religious or moral grounds.
The new rule strikes a balance between allowing conscientious objections and ensuring patients can access care without discrimination. [ more ]
4 months ago
Public health

Biden administration rescinds, replaces Trump-era 'license to discriminate in health care' rule

The US Department of Health and Human Services has rescinded a Trump-era rule that allowed healthcare providers to opt out of procedures they objected to on religious or moral grounds.
The new rule strikes a balance between allowing conscientious objections and ensuring patients can access care without discrimination. [ more ]
5 months ago
Public health

Medical Freedom' Activists Take Aim at New Target: Childhood Vaccine Mandates

Mississippi has relaxed its strict school vaccination requirements, allowing children to be exempt based on religious objections or health issues.
Medical and religious freedom groups are targeting childhood school vaccine mandates, which have long been considered crucial for protecting against infectious diseases. [ more ]
5 months ago
Public health

Medical Freedom' Activists Take Aim at New Target: Childhood Vaccine Mandates

Mississippi has relaxed its strict school vaccination requirements, allowing children to be exempt based on religious objections or health issues.
Medical and religious freedom groups are targeting childhood school vaccine mandates, which have long been considered crucial for protecting against infectious diseases. [ more ]
5 months ago
US news

Medical Freedom' Activists Take Aim at New Target: Childhood Vaccine Mandates

Mississippi has relaxed its strict school vaccination requirements, allowing children to be exempt based on religious objections or health issues.
Medical and religious freedom groups are targeting childhood school vaccine mandates, which have long been considered crucial for protecting against infectious diseases. [ more ]
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